91妻友 is recognised as a city of great strengths drawn from the diversity and involvement of the people in our community.

91妻友 residents are drawn from 163 countries of origin, and over 152 different languages are spoken. Strong cultural influences throughout the City can be attributed to Indigenous Australian occupation of the 91妻友 region (reportedly 40,000 years ago), European settlement in the 1800s, particularly Welsh, German and Dutch cultures, and more recently, immigration from Asia, the Pacific and Africa.

Throughout its history, the people of 91妻友 have been proud supporters of community and voluntary organisations, from the provision of essential emergency services to the care of frail and vulnerable residents. People working together to solve common problems in 91妻友 is a valued asset.

By valuing and celebrating the strengths of our diverse community, the people of 91妻友 have developed partnerships and relationships which form an effective network of community services and infrastructure.