The Children, Young People and Families Policy is Council's way of promoting to others the value of children, young people and families in 91妻友 and what needs to happen to make sure that 91妻友 is a great place to live in and visit.

We share the community’s aspirations for a city where all children, young people and families:

  • feel valued and included and have an active role in their community.
  • grow up in a clean and healthy environment with a strong connection to nature.
  • are supported to live their best, healthy and active lives with access to good nutrition, healthy environments and physical activity opportunities.
  • have equal access to affordable activities, services, information and knowledge.
  • participate in and learn from a diverse range of local cultural experiences.
  • have access to safe and inviting public places, spaces and community facilities.
  • have the choice to live, work, play and thrive locally.