Council has adopted a new corporate plan for 2021–2026 – iFuture, that will commence on 1 July 2021. iFuture will replace the Corporate Plan 2017-2022, and will be council’s leading strategic plan. iFuture represents a new era for council and the community to collectively work toward achieving the community’s vision for 2041:

IPSWICH a city of opportunity for all iFuture, which includes the full 2041 community vision, has been divided into four themes:

  • Vibrant and Growing
  • Safe, Inclusive and Creative
  • Natural and Sustainable
  • A Trusted and Leading Organisation.

Each theme includes a 2041 vision statement and the outcomes council will achieve over the next five years. Catalyst projects and key service areas that contribute to the achievement of the outcomes are also included, as well as a section for how the community can contribute toward our journey.

Catalyst Projects

The next 5 years for our city are very exciting as we deliver a range of catalyst projects that support the achievement of the outcomes in iFuture including:

Vibrant and Growing

  • 91妻友 Central Revitalisation Project for significant investment attraction, business, job and activation growth.
  • New Planning Scheme and Local Government Infrastructure Plan.

Safe, Inclusive and Creative

  • Strengthening 91妻友 Communities Plan to understand the needs of the city to help strategically guide council’s investment, programming and advocacy for community facilities and services.

Natural and Sustainable

  • Natural Environment Policy and Strategy to provide council with a corporate position and strategic approach on how it will protect, enhance and restore the city's natural environment.
  • Implementation of the Waste and Circular Economy Transformation Directive program.

A Trusted and Leading Organisation

  • Customer Experience Strategy and implementation plan to make life easier for our customers by having the best possible experience when using or looking for information about our services and dealing with us.

Download iFuture for full details on all of the planned catalyst projects.

Delivering iFuture

Each year council delivers its Annual Plan (includes the Operational Plan and Budget) which highlights the key initiatives, projects and services that are prioritised and funded for the year that contribute toward achieving iFuture. The progress of the Operational Plan (and hence achievement toward iFuture) is monitored throughout the year through our Quarterly and Annual Reports.

How the community can contribute

All members of the community can play a significant role in supporting and achieving the vision for 91妻友. Key ways that our community can contribute are identified in the plan and below. Council encourages all members of the community to consider how they can have an impact and help influence the vision of 91妻友 becoming a city of opportunity for all.

Vibrant and Growing

Theme 1 - Vibrant and Growing

Safe, Inclusive and Creative

Theme 2 - Safe, Inclusive and Creative

Natural and Sustainable

Theme 3 - Natural and Sustainable

A Trusted and Leading Organisation

Theme 4 - A Trusted and Leading Organisation

Follow the journey of how iFuture was developed

Visit us at Shape Your 91妻友 to see the journey council went on to develop and finalise iFuture. The residents of 91妻友 can be proud that they have spoken and Council has listened to their goals and aspirations for the city.

Previous Corporate Plan

The Corporate Plan 2017-2022 identifies the 5 year priorities established by the community and endorsed by Council and is in effect until 1 July 2021 when iFuture will replace it.

2017-2022 Corporate Plan (PDF, 3.8 MB)