Application Process

A licence is required under Local Law No. 3 Commercial Licensing (2013) to hold a temporary/one-off event.

  • A Temporary Entertainment Event Licence application will need to be completed and submitted to Council at least six weeks prior to the event date.
  • You will need to provide evidence that any other required applications have been lodged and/or approved and the landowner gives consent to the application.
  • Ensure that you include plans, e.g. site plan, event management plan, risk management plan and emergency evacuation plan etc.

Your application should include:

  • A site plan of the event showing boundaries, all buildings, entry and exit points, toilets, waste receptacles, emergency access point and temporary structures such as rides, food stalls, market stalls, stage and first aid etc.
  • Event Management Plan
  • Risk Management Plan including risk matrix
  • Emergency Evacuation Plan
  • Food vendor list including copy of food business licences

Required event details:

  • Type of event - private, public, commercial, community
  • Operating dates of the event
  • Start time and date
  • Finish time and date
  • Bump in time
  • Bump out time
  • Estimated attendance at the event
  • Electricity
  • Live music /entertainment
  • Inflatable entertainment and amusement rides
  • Fireworks
  • Animal farm or petting zoo
  • Marquees/tents/stalls (size, number, pegged or unpegged)
  • Staging
  • Seating structures
  • Portable toilets
  • Rubbish bins
  • Signage
  • Will you be selling food to the public?
    (See Temporary Food Business webpage)
  • Other food stalls (specify)
  • Car parking - does this site provide adequate car parking?

You may email your application in PDF format including application form, payment details and plans to Alternatively, you can post it to the address on the form or drop it by Ground Floor,
1 Nicholas Street, 91妻友.

Please be aware that council has 30 business days to process applications; please ensure that you allow sufficient time to complete this process prior to the intended festival or event.

Other Licences

Your business may also require other licences depending on event activities including: e.g. if you sell alcohol a liquor licence may be required

Liquor Licence:
If you plan on selling alcohol, a liquor licence may be required. Please contact the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation on 13QGOV. Note: A copy of the liquor licence will need to be provided.

Traffic Management
A Road Permit is required to carry out certain activities within road reserves in the 91妻友 Council (ICC) area. A road reserve is the area from property boundary to property boundary including the verges, footpaths, shoulders, traffic lanes, and median.

COVID Safe Events

Upon lodgement of a Temporary Entertainment Event licence application, please ensure you check with Queensland Government COVID Safe Event requirements.

Sustainability Initiative

Plastic contributes to massive amounts of landfill and has a negative impact on wildlife and the environment, particularly in our waterways and oceans. Plastic does not degrade in landfill for at least 450 years and 79% of all the plastic waste ever created is still in our environment.

In response to community concern regarding the impacts of plastic on our environment Council would like to encourage the following sustainability initiatives be embraced for events which are held on Council owned or controlled land and Council sponsored events:

  • Banning the release of helium balloons
  • Discontinuing the use of single-use straws
  • No longer allowing single-use water bottles, unless there is an onsite recycling bin or facility for these bottles

From 1 September 2021, legislation was passed banning the use of certain single-use plastic items such as straws, stirrers, cutlery, plates and bowls including polystyrene containers and cups. For further information on which plastic items are banned, please refer to the Queensland Government.

More Information