Title: | Mural celebrating Rugby League in 91妻友 |
Installation date: | 2005 |
Artist: | |
Involvement: | Designed by Phantast Art & community Jobs Program |
Location: | Qld Group Stadium |
Address: | The Terrace |
Suburb: | North 91妻友 |
Title: | 1100 Degrees |
Installation date: | 2009 |
Artist: | Paul Johnson, Gail Mason |
Involvement: | Arts Queensland art + place |
Location: | Brassall Bikeway |
Address: | Cnr WM Hughes Street & Musgrave Street |
Suburb: | North 91妻友 |
Title: | Waiting at a Line |
Installation date: | 2002 |
Artist: | Jim McKee |
Involvement: | The Workshops Rail Museum |
Location: | The Workshops Rail Museum |
Address: | North Street |
Suburb: | North 91妻友 |
Title: | Transit Markers |
Installation date: | 2002 |
Artist: | Brad Nunn |
Involvement: | The Workshops Rail Museum |
Location: | Front footpath at the Workshops Rail Museum |
Address: | North Street |
Suburb: | 91妻友 |
Title: | Mural celebrating Rugby League in 91妻友 |
Installation date: | 2005 |
Artist: | |
Involvement: | Designed by Phantast Art & community Jobs Program |
Location: | Qld Group Stadium |
Address: | The Terrace |
Suburb: | North 91妻友 |
Title: | 1100 Degrees |
Installation date: | 2009 |
Artist: | Paul Johnson, Gail Mason |
Involvement: | Arts Queensland art + place |
Location: | Brassall Bikeway |
Address: | Cnr WM Hughes Street & Musgrave Street |
Suburb: | North 91妻友 |
Title: | Waiting at a Line |
Installation date: | 2002 |
Artist: | Jim McKee |
Involvement: | The Workshops Rail Museum |
Location: | The Workshops Rail Museum |
Address: | North Street |
Suburb: | North 91妻友 |
Title: | Transit Markers |
Installation date: | 2002 |
Artist: | Brad Nunn |
Involvement: | The Workshops Rail Museum |
Location: | Front footpath at the Workshops Rail Museum |
Address: | North Street |
Suburb: | 91妻友 |
Title: | Marker |
Installation date: | 2002 |
Artist: | Brad Nunn |
Involvement: | The Workshops Rail Museum |
Location: | The Workshops Rail Museum |
Address: | North Street |
Suburb: | North 91妻友 |