Backflow prevention is the term used to prevent the reverse flow of water from a potentially polluted or contaminated source into the reticulated water supply.

This is prevented by installing a backflow prevention device such as a one-way valve which prevents the contaminants from entering the drinking water supply.  These are available in testable and non-testable types depending on the risk associated with the possible contamination.  Testable devices require annual testing to ensure satisfactory operation.

Backflow is caused by cross connection.  This is any point on a water system where a polluting substance may come in contact with drinking water.  This may include any piping system that allows access to the drinking water supply.

Where to start

Backflow prevention starts within a property boundary by isolating a possible contamination source from the town mains or storage tanks (rainwater tanks) from the tap or appliance.

Examples of potential sources of contamination:

  • Fire Hose Reels (FHR)
  • Irrigation
  • Vehicle/bin washing bays
  • Grease Traps

Examples of properties requiring backflow prevention:

  • Hotels, Motels and unit complexes
  • Vehicle repair workshops
  • Shops
  • Caravan parks
  • Medical and dental surgeries
  • Car and plant washing facilities
  • Dry cleaners and laundries
  • Hospitals and funeral parlours
  • Club houses for sports
  • Day care centres and kindergartens
  • Pest control and water carrying vehicles

A buried or partially buried rainwater tank requires a testable backflow prevention device to comply with the Australian Standard.

Council keeps a register of all testable backflow prevention devices.

Annual fee

This is to cover the administration of the register to receipt and recording of test certificates.

Current fees are available at Council's Fees and Charges.

For payment options, refer to Planning & Development Fee Payments

Fact Sheet

Additional information for property owners is contained in the Backflow Prevention Devices fact sheet.

Contact Us

For further Backflow Prevention Device enquiries please contact our friendly Plumbing Section on:

T l 07 3810 6130 E l F l 07 3281 7085

Office Hours | Monday to Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm excluding public holidays.

Street Address l Ground Floor - 1 Nicholas Street, 91妻友
Postal Address l Plumbing Section - PO Box 191, 91妻友 QLD 4305 Australia.