Title: Sekisui House School Artwork Competition
Installation date: 2018
Artist: Various school groups
Involvement: ASekisui House; Amberley District State School; Deebing Heights State School; Riverview State School; St Mary's College 91妻友; Springfield Anglican College
Location: Ripley Town Centre
Address: 676-722 Ripley Road, Ripley
Suburb: Ripley
Amberley District State School (Theme: Unity)
Deebing Heights State School (Theme: Play)
Riverview State School (Theme: Happiness)
St Mary's College 91妻友 (Theme: The Heart)
St Mary's College 91妻友 (Theme: Unity and Happiness)
St Mary's College 91妻友 (Theme: Unity Through Love)
Springfield Anglican College (Theme: Play)